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Lorraine Colletti
Né àUnited States
35 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
your little sister
We miss you so much Rainy, Hope you are having a beautiful time in Heaven, and that it is everything you dreamed of and more. <3
Say a prayer for us honey, we r all having a hard time w/o u. We miss u so - the great light of our lives has been taken from us.
josh your nephew
We all miss you very much and love you with all our hearts you were the most happiest woman even when things were not so good
Aunt Phyllis Uncle Bob
There isn't a day that goes by and your not thought about...We love you and miss you so much... Your in our hearts forever. lv
Terry Colletti johnson
It's been a little over 2 months since you left us. I miss your beautiful smile and your loving ways......I love you very much
Oh my sweetheart, how could you be gone? I miss you so much. My heart has been ripped out and I cry all the time.
Shane Healy
You r family is so special to me Lorraine was a angel on earth she will be in my heart always Shanie healy
Kristin Thomas
Forever in our memories and our hearts. Blessings and peace to the Colletti family. With love and light always.
Always in my heart...love you and miss you sweet Lorraine.
Aunt Phyllis
I am thinking and praying for you everyday.. I miss your voice telling me how much you love me.. I love you always and forever.
linda hallgren
I will miss that sly grin of yours! and the warm hugs... i know you gave them freely, but you always made them feel special.
Lorraine Cooper
Aunt Lorraine is thinking about you. Wish you were here but glad you lived and I knew your love. Will miss you til we meet again
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